Sick Nick and Walt attempting to tell us how good Mama Jany is compared to SGP, personally I wasn't having it
Walt goes to bed around 930 sometimes he gets wild and stays up till 1130

Party Dave has had a rough time lately with partying, see right wrist

I got really bored the other night and drew this amazing picture on Mulhern's back window, Ishod also attempted to write Mulhern sucks butt, but all that came out was Mulhern suchs butt

Ed Duff in the flesh

Ed Duff via drivers license, nice hair

This was a lot of fun, Joe Piff has begun to exercise all of his friends with cars willingness to jump his

He also drew this amazing tattoo, if you ever nervous about turning into Joe Piff don't drink a 1/5 of Hennessy when you go out at night

Aidan didn't take this advice and got one for his 20th b-day, halfway through the bottle he finished up a kegstand and ended up on the floor throwing up his birthday cake, success
Lil' Rew brought us to this house party

This was a chocolate fountain, needless to say we were all excited to be at whoever house this was

This fish showed up at my work

It had a bad day

Only way this picture could be better if somewhere it said how much this dude sucks

Jarrod showed up with these gifts

Zander took the manly route and grabbed himself a bacardi wine cooler, notice he didn't update this to his facebook

Ishod in full party mode